#RocketBunny86 Update : Whiteline Performance Suspension – Activate More Grip

Så denna bil, känd för att vara en driftingbil direkt ifrån fabrik, har nu fått ALLT gjort för att den ska greppa så mycket som möjligt och ha så bra väghållning som möjligt (same same).
En GT86 som är en Anti-Drifting bil =)

Stort tack till MT Auto för all hjälp och allt tålamod.


Här är det som har monterats på bilen.

** Whiteline Positive Shift Kit – Gearbox Mount Bushing Insert = 699 KR

Bang For Your Buck! Whiteline’s Positive Shift Kit inserts into the factory gearbox mount and results in a greatly improved shift feel and response by reducing the compliance of the heavily voided factory mount.

Our engineered ”Synthetic Elastomer” bushings feature the quality ride of rubber at lower speeds and at higher speeds react when under cornering, accelerating and braking loads, for CHASSIS CONTROL and improved handling.



** Whiteline Front & Rear Anti-Roll Bar Kit 

The ultimate suspension upgrade!

Engineered to ’Activate More Grip’, BSK020 is a packaged solution designed to improve performance and enhance the driving experience of your vehicle. Boasting a 22mm 2 point adjustable front Anti-Roll bar and 16mm 3 point adjustable rear Anti-Roll bar, the kit is completed with high quality Anti-Roll bar links and mounting accessories that ensure optimum performance and ease of installation. Achieve perfect balance and precise tuning with this Whiteline Anti-Roll Bar Kit.

Det som finns i det kittet är följande 


** Whiteline Anti-Roll Bar – Front Mount Bushing = 329 kr


** Whiteline Anti-Roll Bar – Rear Mount Bushing = 329 kr

One of the most common suspension service items as they are easily inspected and simple to replace. Whiteline Anti-Roll bar mounts utilise the latest technology synthetic elastomer combined with effective designs such as the internal bore knurling and grease retention lips for optimum lubrication and performance.

Our engineered ”Synthetic Elastomer” bushings feature the quality ride of rubber at lower speeds and at higher speeds react when under cornering, accelerating and braking loads, for CHASSIS CONTROL and improved handling.


** Whiteline Brace – Rear Anti-Roll Bar Mount Support = 969 KR

Whiteline’s rear Anti-Roll bar mount support brace increases the stiffness of the rear Anti-Roll bar mount and reduce the likelihood of bending or cracking of the OE mount due to the increased loads placed upon it.

Bracing Maintains Alignment Angles And Spring Rates By Greatly Reducing Body Or Chassis Flex. In Fact, It Helps Every Component In The Suspension System Do Its Job Properly And You Can Feel The Difference Through Improved Turn-In, Sharper Steering Response Along With Greater Steering Feedback.

** Whiteline Grip Series Rear Anti-Roll Bar 18mm X Heavy Duty Blade Adjustable = 2 709 KR


Dramatically improve the handling and performance of your vehicle with Adjustable Anti-Roll Bars by Whiteline. Engineered to ’Activate More Grip’, Anti-Roll bars are principally designed to reduce body roll or sway. By reducing body roll, lateral loads are spread more evenly across the tires thereby increasing cornering grip and improving outright performance. This Whiteline 18mm 3 point adjustable Anti-Roll bar = more grip = better handling = outright performance – it’s the best dollar for dollar handling improvement you can make to your vehicle. In fact, benefits extend to improvements in handling, safety and tyre wear without affecting ride quality or comfort.



** Whiteline Grip Series Front Anti-Roll Bar 22mm X Heavy Duty Blade Adjustable  = 2 919 KR

Engineered to ’Activate More Grip’, Anti-Roll bars are principally designed to reduce body roll or sway. By reducing body roll, lateral loads are spread more evenly across the tires thereby increasing cornering grip and improving outright performance. This Whiteline 22mm 2 point adjustable Anti-Roll bar = more grip = better handling = outright performance – it’s the best dollar for dollar handling improvement you can make to your vehicle. In fact, benefits extend to improvements in handling, safety and tyre wear without affecting ride quality or comfort.



** Whiteline Rear Anti-Roll Bar – Link = 1 629 KR

Not many enthusiasts are aware that OE and more importantly aftermarket Anti-Roll bar effectiveness can be hindered by worn or inadequate mounts, drop links and lateral stoppers. Whiteline adjustable Anti-Roll bar links are engineered to be up to the task with top spec, light weight componentry combined with a window of adjustability, eliminating Anti-Roll bar preload on installation but most importantly ensuring the maximum output of the Anti-Roll bar for improved grip and better handling.


Whiteline adjustable Anti-Roll Bar links are designed to increase Anti-Roll Bar effectiveness and improve overall performance. By eliminating flex and compliance associated with original equipment, these high strength links provide increased rigidity and responsiveness which can be felt especially during lane changes and initial turn in.


** Whiteline Front Anti-Roll Bar – Link = 1 719 KR

Not many enthusiasts are aware that OE and more importantly aftermarket Anti-Roll bar effectiveness can be hindered by worn or inadequate mounts, drop links and lateral stoppers. Whiteline adjustable Anti-Roll bar links are engineered to be up to the task with top spec, light weight componentry combined with a window of adjustability, eliminating Anti-Roll bar preload on installation but most importantly ensuring the maximum output of the Anti-Roll bar for improved grip and better handling.

Whiteline adjustable Anti-Roll Bar links are designed to increase Anti-Roll Bar effectiveness and improve overall performance. By eliminating flex and compliance associated with original equipment, these high strength links provide increased rigidity and responsiveness which can be felt especially during lane changes and initial turn in.



** Billetworkz Matte Black Weighted Shift Knob 450 Grams  = 90 usd ex frakt, moms, tull.


** Mishimotos silikon-kylarslangar = 2 049 KR

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