How an Idiot Got Away With Stealing the Mona Lisa

** Mona Lisa tavlan har blivit stulen ett par gånger genom historien.
Och alla gånger har varit rätt korkade, och ja det är pga detta som tavlan till en stor del är så känd, för att till sist så ”värderades” den som ”ovärderlig” av försäkringsbolag.

Jag slänger in ett par videos till om detta.


The Astonishing Theft of The Mona Lisa

Stealing the Mona Lisa: The Art Theft of the Century | Artrageous with Nate

How I Stole the Mona Lisa

Stealing the Mona Lisa – Art Theft of the Century – Full Documentary

The Missing Piece: Mona Lisa, Her Thief, The True Story

The Incident That Made the Mona Lisa So Famous | Tales From the Bottle

Missing Masterpiece: The Time When the Mona Lisa was Stolen

1911 Theft of the Mona Lisa (stock footage / archival footage)

Why is the Mona Lisa so famous? – Noah Charney

How the Mona Lisa became so overrated

The Mona Lisa Mystery

That One Time When The Mona Lisa Was STOLEN

Mona Lisa is Missing – The Man Who Stole The Masterpiece | Full documentary – by Joe Medeiros (2013)

The Unknown Theft Of The Mona Lisa | Raiders Of The Lost Art

Stealing Mona Lisa – The thief behind the greatest art heist of the 20th century

A Mysterious Art Heist | Mona Lisa is Missing – The Man Who Stole The Masterpiece | Full Documentary

The 10 Worst Things That Have Happened to the Mona Lisa

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